01256 976 650 info@elysianit.com

Blog - Information on-demand

Staying up-to-date with the latest information from our professionals, business and Microsoft.

Microsoft Solution Partner
Digital Transformation โ€“ 2020 a year of change

Digital Transformation โ€“ 2020 a year of change

Organizations of all sizes have scrambled to digitally transform and move to remote work as they struggle to understand their future โ€” digital transformation has become a requirement for business continuity.
Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection

Microsoft Advanced Threat Protection

With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and access management, information protection, threat protection and security management.
Announcing our new charity of the year

Announcing our new charity of the year

We are delighted to announce that we have chosen Mityana Projects Trust as our official chosen charity partner.
3 Reasons you should undertake an Azure Well-Architected Review?

3 Reasons you should undertake an Azure Well-Architected Review?

The Azure architecture framework and a subsequent review offer a comprehensive report on your cloud infrastructure against the Azure best practices. Think of it as a litmus test to understand your cloud architecture and performance better.
Exchange 2013: End of Life (EOL) – what next?

Exchange 2013: End of Life (EOL) – what next?

It's no great news flash that Exchange Server 2013 will reach its end of support (End of Life - EOL) on April 11th 2023. Which sounds like an age away but if you haven't already begun your migration project to either an on-prem upgrade, or into the cloud (Hybrid or Pure) then now's the time to start planning.
Mityana Charity Cycle Challenge: we smashed it!

Mityana Charity Cycle Challenge: we smashed it!

The weather was great, the energy drinks were on hand, the teams had been randomly picked and even some members had lycra onโ€ฆ yes this was serious, but what would you expect from Elysian!
Microsoft Solutions Partner

Upper Farm,
Wootton St. Lawrence,
RG23 8PE