01256 976 650 info@elysianit.com
Microsoft 365 Backup Whitepaper

Microsoft 365 Backup Whitepaper

Summary ElysianIT has helped many organisations ranging from SMBโ€™s to Enterprise, to deploy Microsoft and Third-Party IT Solutions. This Whitepaper provides an analysis of Microsoft 365 third-party backup solution. In addition to the Core Microsoft 365 workloads...
Microsoft Security Whitepaper

Microsoft Security Whitepaper

Summary ElysianIT has helped dozens of organisations ranging from SMBโ€™s to Enterprise, to deploy Microsoft technologies like Microsoft Intune, Defender, Security and Compliance, SIEM integrations and migrations from various platforms into the Microsoft ecosystem....
Announcing our new charity of the year

Announcing our new charity of the year

๎‚ 01256 976 650 ๎‚ ElysianIT Limited Upper Farm, Wootton St. Lawrence,Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 8PE ๎ถ info@elysianit.com FollowFollow We are delighted to announce that we have chosen Mityana Projects Trust as our official chosen charity for this forthcoming year. We...
Mityana Charity Cycle Challenge: we smashed it!

Mityana Charity Cycle Challenge: we smashed it!

Blog - Information on-demand Staying up-to-date with the latest information from our professionals, business and Microsoft. Mityana Charity Cycle Challenge: we smashed it! As our chosen charity for 2021, ElysianIT took up the challenge that on the 23rd of September...