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ElysianIT Limited
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Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 8PE
In their research, the Microsoft team uncovered a large-scale operation that enables threat actors to easily carry out malicious campaigns. In one high-level campaign over 300,000 unique subdomains were created in a single run. 300,000 in a single run.
BulletProofLink has been active since 2018, and used by multiple threat actors being used in either one-off or monthly subscription-based Phishing business models.
BulletProofLink, which sells phishing kits, email templates, hosting, and automated services at a relatively low cost. With a PhaaS service starting at as low as ยฃ580 pm or a single-use kit costing around 35 pounds!
This comprehensive research into BulletProofLink sheds a light on the extent and complexity of phishing-as-a-service operations, and we urge you to read the full article so you can understand how prolific this type of cyber-security attack is.